CBSE UAE Cluster Athletic Meet!

Congratulations to our amazing athletes:

Hannah Sarah Paul, Grade 11 - 2nd in Long Jump, qualified for CBSE Nationals!
Dikshith Lokanathan, Grade 8 - 2nd in Long Jump, qualified for CBSE Nationals!
Aliya Nujum Nawas, Grade 10 - 2nd in High Jump, qualified for CBSE Nationals!

Your effort and commitment have truly shone through! Let’s cheer them on as they head to the Nationals! To be held at Varanasi, India.


1st 2
 461776736 1043316164468477 8702867462676363654 n
461793381 1043316144468479 1736677252510988888 n 461827488 1043316161135144 5787246918469450923 n

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