AJI Career Fest Highlights!

Our Al Ain Juniors School - Indian System Grade 11 & 12 students took charge and organized an incredible Career Fest!

From career booths to insightful talks, it was a day filled with inspiration and future possibilities.

A huge shoutout to the students and teachers involved for making this event a huge success! We’re so proud of our future leaders taking these important steps toward shaping their dreams.

8th 1 462215974 1047769537356473 1439734820353234541 n 
462224836 1047768637356563 1156432124966519527 n 462228842 1047768600689900 4476399388893462598 n
462228909 1047769407356486 49321617039488944 n 462238149 1047769377356489 4560548043416113133 n
462239412 1047769500689810 5037753170655114923 n 462239412 1047769500689810 5037753170655114923 n
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